The MTA decides that it is time to clean up Second Avenue
This surprising announcement, which was announced on the MTA's web site over the weekend, describes a wide-scale overhaul of the MTA's work sites between 69th and 100th streets on Second Avenue.
In their announcement, the MTA said that they have created a "comprehensive set of 'good neighbor' standards to upgrade the physical conditions around the construction site to improve the pedestrian experience, and keep businesses and residences fully accessible."
Some of the planned improvements include:
- Implementing "way-finding" signage for stores that is uniform, legible and clean
- Ensuring sidewalks are in good condition without holes, cracks, and trip hazards
- Replacing bent/worn fencing
- Painting all barriers
- Maintaining sidewalks, crosswalks, and safe sight lines for pedestrians/vehicles
- Maintaining full access to businesses/residences
According to the NY Post, the president of MTA Capital Construction, Michael Horodniceanu, ordered the makeover after hearing many complaints from business owners and residents during several trips to the construction site. "These are simple things that will make people happy, so people can actually be in that area and not hate every day they live there," Mr. Horodniceanu told The Post.
According to Tom Namako's story in The Post, the MTA will begin by upgrading the area between East 92nd and East 93rd streets.
The MTA posted these two images on their web site as examples of what the sidewalks in the construction zone might look like before and after the refurbishment.

Courtesy of the MTA
btw. 93rd and 94th streets - east side - looking S
Existing conditions

Courtesy of the MTA
Planned (artist's rendering)
i.e. what the area might look like.
What is somewhat odd is that this initiative was not raised or discussed at the recent Community Board 8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force meeting on October 12th. This would have been a good opportunity for the MTA to obtain community input on the aesthetic changes it would find most valuable.
Ironically, the MTA's announcement came on the same weekend that a group of affected Second Avenue residents and business owners staged a rally to protest the conditions in and around the construction zone.
The rally was held on 91st Street between 2nd and 3rd avenues. The protesters cited, among other complaints, 'three years of neglect and delay' and the absence of real government support.
A few images from the rally are shown below:
Marcelo Ronchini, the owner of Nina's Argentinian Pizzeria at 1750 Second Avenue, got things started at about 1:30 p.m.
Joe Pecora, the owner of Delizia's Ristorante & Pizza on the SE corner of 92nd Street and Second Avenue.
Ernie Raftopoulos, the apron-clad owner of the 3 Decker restaurant at 1746 Second Avenue.
Peter Yoo, owner of Buddha BBeeQ restaurant
Norman Siegel, a civil rights attorney and former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
I asked a number of people at the rally why they thought the MTA had decided to take action to clean up the work site now, three and a half years after the start of construction. The most interesting answers were:
- Perhaps the MTA was reacting to the news that the residents and business owners in the affected area would be holding a rally, for the media, to protests the conditions;
- Possibly the MTA realized that they needed take a fresh look at what they were doing after the The New York Times ran this front page story on October 5th;
- Maybe this issue will be brought up at next week's MTA board meeting and the management at MTA Capital Construction wanted to be able to announce something prior to the meeting of the board;
- Or perhaps Mayor Bloomberg is moving into Gracie Mansion.
Here are a few notable media reports from the rally:
"2nd Avenue subway construction protested" (2:18)
Reported by Jeff Pegues
WABC-TV - 10/25/10
"Subway Construction Affecting Bottom Line, Business Owners Say" (1:50)
Reported by Tina Redwine
NY1 - 10/24/10
"Second Avenue Subway Construction Hurting Local Businesses"
By Catherine Yang
The Epoch Times - 10/25/10
Along Second Ave., merchants protest as MTA pledges improvements
By Benjamin Kabak
2nd. Ave. Sagas - 10/26/10
"2nd Ave. Subway Affecting Old Buildings" (5:15)
Reported by Ernie Anastos
Fox 5 News - 10/26/10
Includes a lengthy debate between the blogger Benjamin Kabak of 2nd Ave. Sagas and Marcelo Ronchini, the owner of Nina's Argentinian Pizzeria on Second Avenue.
In other news - construction work continues.
The following set of images was taken over the past two weekends, on the dates noted.
A new section of 30" gas main near 86th Street.
87th Street - looking S
Work continues on the same 30" gas main in front of the Food Emporium.
91st Street - looking N
The contractors continue their work in this area as they prepare for freezing the ground south of the launch box. (see the diagram below)
According to the MTA, the ground must be frozen in this location because the rock to be mined is unexpectedly poor. (Freezing makes the ground totally solid so the Tunnel Boring Machine [TBM] can bore right through it.)
Failing to freeze the ground could increase the likelihood of gripper problems at the face of the TBM. And because the sound rock cover above the tunnel area was found to be insufficient, this could increase the risk of tunnel collapse during the mining operation.
The contractors plan to start freezing the ground in this area by the end of November, so that it is solidly frozen before the TBM starts mining the east tunnel in early 2011.
The approved cost for the ground freeze operation was reported on the MTA's web site to be $6,582,000.
Source: CB8 SAS Task Force Meeting Presentation - 10/12/10
Just south of 91st Street - looking N
A close-up shot of the now buried freeze pipes.
Sections of aluminum pipe for the ground freeze.
A view the liquid ammonia ground freeze plant that has been set up on 92nd Street, just east of Second Avenue.
93rd Street - NE Corner - looking E
Preliminary work at the site of Ancillary Building No. 1 has now started.
btw. 93rd and 94th
A surveyor working on the project recently left these notations on the one of the buildings next to where Ancillary Building No. 1 will be constructed, on the NE corner of 93rd and Second Avenue. The exposed beam here appears to be made of cast iron.
95th - looking N
A view of the EE Cruz / Tully construction yard that is located on the west side of Second Avenue. Eventually, this location will be transformed into Entrance No. 3 for the 92nd Street station.
btw. 96th and 97th streets
A industrial flow meter.
btw. 96th and 97th street - looking W
The contractors at this location are in the process of excavating a new sewer trench on the east side of the avenue. A narrow sidewalk alongside the buildings allow pedestrians to access the shops in this area.
97th Street - NW corner - looking S
Work continues at the future location of Ancillary Building No. 2 for the 92nd Street station.
A close-up view of the auger bit shown in the preceding image.
97th street - west side - looking N
A new sewer trench with a section of the new 48" pipe installed.
The following set of images was included as part of the presentation that S3 Tunnel Constructors made at last Tuesday's meeting of the Community Board 8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force.
The photographer here is looking south towards the front of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM).
Don't worry - the tracks shown here are not intended for the new subway line. They are for the muck train that transports the rock from the TBM mining operation back to the launch box in the 90s.
This is an image of a locomotive that is hauling a set of muck cars out of the rear of the TBM.
The passing switch shown in this image (which is located just south of the launch box) allows one muck train to pass another.
The muck cars are moved into the launch box and then they are positioned over a transfer pit.
The contents of each muck car are then dumped onto a set of conveyor belts that transport the crushed rock to the so-called muck bin, pictured below.
The muck bin, which is located near the north end of the launch box, is a location where the crushed rock is stored until it can be transported to street level for loading into trucks.
If you wish to view a PDF copy of the full set of presentations that was made at last week's Community Board 8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force meeting, please click on this link:
CB8 Task Force Presentation: Construction Updates, Ancillary Design Review, 86th Street Station Ancillary 2, 72nd Street Station Entrance 3 (elevators), Ancillary Facilities Equipment Screens, Ancillary Color Study - 10/12/10
(Note that this large PDF file make take some time to load.)
Here's a copy of the Second Avenue Subway MTA Capital Program Oversight Committee Report that was posted on the MTA's web site in anticipation of Monday's meeting of the MTA Board Committees.

MTA Capital Program Oversight Committee Report
Pages 33-40 (Second Avenue Subway)
(Note that this report is part of a large PDF document on the MTA's web site, so it may take some time to load.)
This interesting report was prepared by the MTA's independent engineer McKissack+Delcan.
The report says that the project is on schedule to meet the December 2016 revenue service date and the project is on budget.
The reports listed three specific issues that, "may lead to cost increases or schedule delays on individual milestones of contracts". They are:
Quoting from the report...
TBM Mining Tunnel No. 1
The original plan to finish TBM Run #1, with the extension to 65th St was January 15, 2011. The revised date based on a mining rate of 43 feet per day is February 15, 2011. Recent 20-day average has been 44.4 feet per day.
If TBM Run #1 is delayed beyond February 15, 2011, critical path float will be used. TBM mining must average 43 feet per day to meet this date.
Contractor has instituted a special scheduled maintenance system to minimize breakdowns or slowdowns of the conveyor system and muck removal operations.
Litigation 72nd Street Station
Litigation contesting MTA's compliance with the environmental commitments made in the project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been initiated by the owners of a residential building located adjacent to the planned site of the 69th Street 72nd St ancillary facility for the 72nd Street Station.
FTA has determined that the proposed changes to the design of this facility are consistent with the project EIS. A court hearing on this matter is scheduled for January 2011.
The work impacted by the litigation has been segregated as an option to provide time for resolving the legal action.
Fragile Buildings along Second Avenue
Older, fragile buildings near the site of station and ancillary building (e.g. vent plant) excavation, many with pre-existing deficiencies, may require remediation as Second Avenue construction continues.
Temporary resident relocations and exterior and interior remediation work required in the area of the future 96 Street Station. Potential for similar impacts at the sites of the future 72nd Street and 86t Street Stations and the 63rd Street
Station. Costs to date have been within estimates and are manageable within available contingency funding.
Survey of fragile buildings was segregated and advanced independent of future construction contract awards in order for remedial work, if necessary, to be completed in advanced of actual construction start dates, Surveys will be completed by the end of 2010. Contractors to do remedial work, if necessary, have been identified. Both these steps will allow MTACC to progress and fund any needed work so that it minimizes adverse impacts to cost and schedule.
The following additional Second Avenue subway contract has just entered the procurement process within the MTA:
Solicitation Number C-26009
Tracks, Traction Power, Signal and CommunicationsSolicitation Notice (RFP) - 10/11/10
Current Opening/Due Date: 11/16/10
It's interesting to see just how many different communications and signal systems are needed to run today's NYC subway system.
Here's the list, from the RFP:
SONET and Ethernet fiber systems
Public address
Electronic Customer Information Signs and Evacuation Systems
Closed Circuit Television Systems
Office Telephone Systems
Emergency Telephone Systems
Public Telephone Systems
Intercom Systems (Public Help Point Intercom and Private Intercom)
Emergency Alarm System
Time Clock System
Radio Wireless System
Fire Alarm system
Intrusion Access Control
Supervisory Control and Data Access
Structured Cable LAN system
Booth Communications
Various miscellaneous NYCT standard communications systems.
Last Reported Location of the TBM
btw. 79th and 80th streets
as of Tuesday, October 12th
TBM Run No. 1 (west tunnel)
92nd Street to 65th Street
7,200 linear feet
40 foot starter tunnel
3,169 feet mined w/TBM to date
3,991 feet to run
September TBM Mining Data:
Distance mined: 1,053 linear feet
TBM mining days: 21
Avg. distance per day: 50.14 feet
Here's a listing of the recent additions
to the right-hand column of The Launch Box:
"Subway Work on 2nd Avenue Hobbles Stores"
- multimedia map
By Joseph Berger
The New York Times - 10/5/10
"Readers Tell of More Second Avenue Subway Woes"
By Joseph Berger
The New York Times - 10/5/10
"Businesses cope with 2nd. Ave. Subway Construction" (1:59)
WABC-TV - 10/5/10
"Mistake in Second Avenue Subway Work Cuts Gas Off"
By Joseph Berger
The New York Times - 10/14/10
"Second Avenue Subway Offers Wealth Of Lessons" (2:05)
By John Mancini
NY1 - 10/16/10
Along Second Ave., building a better ancillary structure
2nd. Ave. Sagas - 10/20/10
"After temporary eviction due to Second Ave. Subway work, residents to return home"
By Patrick Egan
The Real Deal - 10/22/10
"Subway salvation - Prettying-up for 2nd Ave. dig"
By Tom Namako
New York Post - 10/23/10
1 comment:
They move the fence on the sidewalk between 92nd and 93rd street about 6 inches, 2 days ago...I hope there is more to come because there is still no room....
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