91st, NE corner - looking N
Most work at the moment seems to be focused on the blocks between 91st and 93rd streets. The plan, at the moment, is to move the work site back to the west side of the 2nd Avenue on July 14th.
btw. 91st and 92nd, east side - looking SW
The sections of pipes shown (each either 30" or 42" in diameter) are for a new gas main.
near the SE corner of 92nd - looking N
This special concrete mold was laid in the past few days.
near the SE corner of 93rd - looking SW
Further north on 2nd Avenue the contractors have now closed up the street and they've installed a new sidewalk, as you can see.
93rd street, SE corner - looking SW
But, near the intersection, it looks like there's still quite a bit of work to do relocating various utility lines.
on 93rd street (about 50' east of the intersection) - looking W
btw. 93rd and 94th, east side - looking S
This wooden deck was put in to provide access over an open trench near a building on 2nd Avenue. The deck allows people to access the shops and apartments while the trench is open.
same location - looking N
And a little farther north the utility relocation work has progressed far enough that the sidewalk can now be relaid.
94th street, NE corner - looking E
This is a protected walking path to one of the shops between 93rd and 94th.
94th street (in the middle of the avenue) - looking S
The numerous concrete boxes in the middle of the walking path, I believe, provide access to the "splice boxes" for the beams that will be installed to support the deck surface.
The pedestrian walking path here is right down the middle of 2nd Avenue, to the left of the Jersey Barrier. Access to the shops and buildings is provided via walkways that sort of look like small pedestrian alleys. Note the small square signs that have been posted at the head of each alley.
btw. 94th and 95th, east side - looking N
This brand new German made Liebherr HS 855 crawler crane appeared on the site about 10 days ago, up near 95th street.
95th, near the SE corner - looking NW
I believe that the tan colored piece on equipment on the right is known as a "slurry wall clamshell grab." At this location they will be using it to dig the trench for the north bulkhead of the Launch Box. This link gives a good overview of how slurry walls are built.
95th, SE corner - looking W
95th, NW corner - looking SW
95th, looking NW corner - looking S
Did you see what that crane was doing today between 94th and 95th streets? It seemed to be using the largest digging attachment I've ever seen (shown lying down in your photo), which when oriented vertically was completely underground before coming up and dropping a load of dirt into a waiting dump truck.
Also, do you have any idea what the concrete vaults are for that are sunken into the avenue near the center Jersey Barrier? Presumably at some point in the next few months that'll all be dug up again...
Thanks for the comments.questions.
No, I haven't seen the new crawler crane being used yet. I asked the MTA yesterday, via e-mail, about the attachment that you referred too. As soon as I get some additional information I'll post it.
I'm not sure about the concrete vaults. I'll send a note to the MTA and ask them.
Thanks. I look forward to seeing your followup.
I really enjoy following your view of the construction, as I often only get by the site once every week or two. On the other hand, my two year old loves watching all the machinery at work.
I've updated the June 15th posting with some new information about "slurry wall clamshell grab" (the digging attachment up near 95th street.)
I've also added deails about the concrete vaults.
FYI, the answers came during the presentation that the MTA and S3 Tunnel Constructors gave to the 2nd Ave Subway Task Force on Tuesday evening.
For further details have a look at the presentation that MTA's CB8 presentation - posted on 06/18/08.
Hope this helps.
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