Launch Party at the Crowe's Nest was a great success, with over 200 people who checked in at the door during the course of the evening.
A impressive number of local politicians also turned out to show their support for the business owners who have been affected by the construction. After a few brief but spirited speeches, everyone settled in to enjoy the food and drink.
Latter there was a raffle drawing, as well as a silent auction, in support the SABA's fund raising efforts.
Here are a few pictures of the politicians who spoke to the group during the evening.
New York City Council Member Daniel Garodnick
(Community Board 8 Chairman David Liston is also shown, on the right)
New York City Council Member Jessica Lappin
New York State Assemblyman Jonathan Bing
Other notables from the world of New York politics included state Assemblyman Micah Kellner and Danielle DeCerbo from NY City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's office.
Notably absent were the co-chairpersons of the
Community Board 8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force.