The Metropolitan Transportation Authority today published its proposed 2015-2019 Capital Program, which included a request for $1.535 billion to start construction of Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway.
The only construction that will be funded, if approved, would be the necessary tunnels from 105th Street to 125th Street.
The construction of the new stations would, in all likelihood, be funded as part of the MTA's 2020-2024 Capital Program.

Proposed 2015-2019 Capital Plan
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Quoting from the MTA text,
The proposed 2015-2019 Capital Program includes tunneling from the Phase 1 terminus north of 96th St. and Second Avenue to 125th St. and 5th Avenue.
All elements of project management, design, construction management, insurance, and real estate necessary to support construction are also funded. The balance of the work necessary for operation will be funded in future capital programs
In its entirety, SAS Phase 2 will complete the full project’s East Harlem segment. Its alignment will run under Second Avenue to 120th St., then will turn west along 125th St., crossing Lexington Avenue and ending at 5th Avenue to accommodate storage tracks.
SAS Phase 2 will utilize a tunnel section built in the 1970s from 110th St. to 120th St. and will be outfitted with tracks and other essential equipment. Three new stations will also be constructed at 125th St.,116th St., and 106th St.
If approved, the $1.535 Billion would be allocated according to the following proposed schedule:

Proposed 2015-2019 Capital Plan
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Page 212
Bottom line -- the start of revenue service for Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway is probably at least ten years away.
Related links:
Second Avenue Subway Construction in the 1970s
The Launch Box
"NYC Can't Afford to Build the Second Avenue Subway, and It Can't Afford Not To"
By Benjamin Kabak
The Atlantic CityLab - 7/17/14
MTA Capital Program 2015-2019
Board Briefing presentation
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
MTA Proposes 2015-2019 Capital Program
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Press Release
Here's a listing of the recent additions
to the right-hand column of The Launch Box:
MTA Second Avenue Subway Newsletters
Volume XXIX, September
Lex Av/63rd St Station Area
72nd St Station Area
86th St Station Area
96th St Station Area