near the SW corner of 97th Street
A look down into the basement, from the sidewalk, of what will become the Ancillary Building No. 2 for the 96th Street station.

An image of the same location, seven months earlier, when additional tubular struts were in use. These struts are used to provide temporary structural support during construction.

And the same location, almost a year ago.

96th Street, SW Corner - looking south
A look at the future location of Entrance No. 3 for the new 96th Street Station.

95th Street - looking east
The new building for the Travor Day school, at 312-318 East 95th Street, rises just two short blocks away from a future entrance to the 96th Street station.

94th Street, NE corner - looking NE
A look at the work site for Entrance No. 2 of the future 96th Street Station.

Just south of 86th Street - looking east
A sidewalk view of the Schaller & Weber market on the east side of Second Avenue.

70th Street, NW corner - looking NE
A view, from early December, of the muck house at this location. At the time I took the picture, the contractor was in the process of taking down this structure, since it is no longer needed.

70th Street, SW corner - looking NE
Another view of the same muck house.
You will notice in this image that northern muck house for this station location has already been disassembled and removed from the work site.

69th Street, SW corner - looking NW
If you look closely at this building, which is 233 East 69th Street, you will see that most of the windows on the east face of this building have been bricked over. This was done because an ancillary building for the 72nd Street station will soon occupy the full lot on this corner.

69th Street, SE corner - looking NW
An image, from 2009, of the building that once occupied the lot where the new ancillary building will be constructed.

233 East 69th Street - looking north
An image also from 2009, of the windows that today no longer exist.
Now a few pictures from below ground, courtesy of the MTA.
Note that the five images shown below were taken in the 86th station cavern about a month ago.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Patrick Cashin
A view of what would appear to be the south end of the cavern.
This station cavern, which is 65 feet high, was blasted out of solid bedrock over the past year or so. In the lower right corner, you can see Tunnel No. 1 (the west tunnel) which was mined using a tunnel boring machine.
The yellow polymer membrane on the right is being applied as part of the effort to waterproof the cavern.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Patrick Cashin
This is a closer view of west tunnel at the south end of the 86 Street station cavern.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Patrick Cashin
A view of the netherworld deep under Second Avenue.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Patrick Cashin
The white semi-circular tunnel form above is technically known as a "station arch tunnel formwork." It is being used by the contractor to cast complete sections of the 86th Street station cavern ceiling arch using concrete.
This tunnel structure is the same form that I coincidentally came across in Ayers Cliff, Quebec this past summer.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority / Patrick Cashin
A pair of lifting hooks wait for their next assignment.
Additional images from this set can be found on this link:
Second Avenue Subway - January 2014
MTA Flickr page
The MTA's Second Avenue Subway Community Information Center will be hosting a new Transit Talk event in late February.
Second Avenue Subway Geologist Julie Freitas will explain the origin and characteristics of the rocks and soil under Second Avenue, and how they influence the construction methods used to build the subway.
The event is free and open to the public but preregistration is required.
The talk will take place at the Second Avenue Subway Community Information Center which is located at 1628 2nd Avenue (btw. 84th & 85th streets) on Thursday, February 27th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
To RSVP for this event, click on this link:
Beneath the Street: Geology of the Second Avenue Subway
Here's a listing of recent additions
to the right-hand column of The Launch Box:
"Subway Art on the Future Second Avenue Subway Line Revealed"
By Bhushan Mondkar
untapped cities - 1/22/14
"MTA Plans to Evict Tenants and Take Over Part of Co-Op for 2nd. Ave. Work"
By James Fanelli
DNAInfo NY - 1/8/14
"Shops along 2nd. Ave. subway line construction sites want big bucks in 2014"
By Simone Weichselbaum
NY Daily News - 1/7/14
SAS Public Workshop Sept 2013 Follow-up Report
MTA Capital Construction
Second Avenue Subway Reaches Major Milestones
MTA Press Release
Touring the SAS Community Information Center
By Cassim Shepard and Daniel Rojo
Urban Omnibus - 11/22/13
MTA Second Avenue Subway Newsletter
Volume XXI, January 2014
Lex Av/63rd St Station Area
72nd St Station Area
86th St Station Area
96th St Station Area