92nd - looking N
Much progress has been made since my last set of daytime pictures back in early-November. The contractors have now decked over the west side of 2nd Avenue, from a point about 50' south of 92nd, up to the north edge of 93rd. This decking will form the temporary "roof" over the Launch Box.
I would imagine that before the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) can be built, down in the Launch Box, the contractors need to complete the installation of the slurry walls and decking all the way up to 95th street, on both the west and east sides of the 2nd avenue.
If I had to guess, I'd say that there's 12-18 months of work to do, building the Launch Box, before the TBM can to start it work drilling the tunnel down to 63rd street.
92nd - looking NW
This stone drilling rig arrived on the site back in late November.
I'm told that this machine is being used to drill holes in the bedrock, near the south end of the Launch Box. Once the holes are drilled the machine is then used to crack off chunks of bedrock.
It's my understanding that blasting is not allowed at this location due to the work site's close proximity to so many relatively old buildings.
btw. 91st and 92nd - looking E
I believe that this is the south end of Launch Box.
In time the contractors will need to create a flat vertical surface in the bedrock at this location, since the TBM probably needs a near flat surface to start drilling the new tunnel.
near 93rd, west side - looking NE
This is a good example of the removable decking that forms the roof of the Launch Box. From time to time the workers remove a section of the deck so that they can work underneath the deck. At this point I would guess that the hole here is about 15' deep.
Why do the workers need to get under the deck you might ask? Because there's lots of work that needs to be done, like securing the utility lines (underneath) to the deck beams.
btw. 92nd and 93rd - looking N
93rd - looking S
btw. 93rd and 94th
Workers have been excavating this area of the street for about 2 weeks now. Lots of rock is being broken up and removed at this location, before the deck beams and deck are installed.
About a week ago I watch them jack hammer out an old brick structure that looked to me like a support foundation from the old 2nd Avenue Elevated Railway.
near 95th street - looking S
At this point on the avenue the contractors are still constructing the slurry walls. (i.e. the're building the west wall of the Launch Box.)
95th - looking N
95th, NE corner - looking SW
A familiar view of the various cranes and drilling rigs on the site.
If you're interested in further information on the construction that is underway at the moment, click on this link to view the presentation that was made at Community Board 8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force meeting back on 10/28/08.
The next meeting of the CB8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force is scheduled for Thursday 01/08/09. Follow this link for further details.
A footnote:
My apologies for the relatively long period of time since my last set of images. My full-time day job, and other factors, have taken much of my spare time over the past 2 months.