This neat piece of Second Avenue Subway artwork appeared on the Wired Magazine web site a few days ago.
(left-click on the image for a larger view.)
The artist's name is Peter Grundy.
The article from Wired, with 2 other images, can be found on this link.
Here are a few images from this past Sunday -
btw. 92nd and 93rd, W side of the avenue
Work continues on the construction of the west side of the launch box.
These piles have been drilled and the forms are now waiting to be filed with concrete.
A closer view of one of the secant pile concrete forms.
Each form is 42" in diameter, I believe.
For further details on this construction technique look at the presentation (pages 39-52) that the MTA made to the CB8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force on 06/18/08, on this link.
96th, S side - looking N
Here's a picture of the concrete slurry plant, just north of 96th street, that was setup over the past 2-3 months. The slury plant will prepare the concrete slurry mix that will be used for the slurry walls.
97th - looking S, through the perimeter fence
Another view of the slurry plant.
near 95th street
A picture of the recently assembled Liebherr crawler crane. At the moment there are a total of three (3) very large crawler cranes on the work site.
The black pipes, I believe, will be used to transport the concrete slurry mix from the new plant in the 96th street yard to various points on the work site.
92nd, N side - looking S
If you look closely you'll see that the owner of this restaurant decided to paint the logo for the 2nd Avenue Business Association on his wall. (click on the image for a closer view.)
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In legislative news ---
The NYS Assembly bill that was supposed to establish an economic grant program for the Second Avenue Subway construction project area (Bill No. A10595) was vetoed by Governor Paterson on 07/21/08.
Apparently this bill was vetoed as part of a larger package of 34 separate vetoes that were issued by the governor in late July, in an effort to curb new spending.
Here's a listing of the recent additions to the left-hand
column of The Launch Box:
Under Community Board 8 - Second Avenue Subway Task Force:
CB8 presentation on 72nd and 86th Street Entrance Options; Alignment Changes; NEPA Environmental Assessment discussion - 07/29/08
Under Posting of Note:
An updated listing of stores in the 2nd Avenue Subway Construction Business Zone that have closed since construction started back in April 2007.
(a copy of this posting is also shown below also.)