btw. 92nd and 93rd streets - west side of 2nd Avenue
Pieces of the new 48" sewer main have now been laid in the 20' deep trench on the west side of 2nd Avenue --
but certain obstructions, like this smaller sewer line, need to be relocated before the new main can be finished --
a closer view of the smaller line that is obstructing the new 48" main.
near the SW corner of 93rd and 2nd looking north
Trench work continues. The rotary drilling rig has now moved all the way up to the north end of the launch box, at 95th street. (Yes, the shadow is in fact the person who took this picture.)

NW corner of 95th and 2nd
Note: This is a stitched image.
Left-click on the image for a larger view.
NW corner of 95th and 2nd - looking south
A view of the rotary drilling rig with the sun directly behind it. (at about 1 PM)
a closer view of the rig.
and even closer.

the intersection of 95th and 2nd - looking east
Note: This is a stitched image.
Left-click on the image for a larger view.
Yes, this Chase branch in in fact open, even thought it is not apparent how one would enter the branch from this angle.