92nd Street, near the SW corner - looking south
Finally, serious excavation begins!

Down about 6 feet
Slow going as workers clear earth around various utility lines (i.e. electric, gas and water.)

(the extension ladder goes down about 15 feet)
The large boards around the hole are used to support the walls. These boards are pushed down bit by bit, with one of the earth moving machines, as the workers dig deeper.

92nd Street, NW corner - looking north
down about 10 feet
Lots of utility lines to deal with...

a closer look down the same hole.

btw. 93rd and 94th streets on the west side of the street - looking NE
The utility lines are hung up, as shown, so excavation can continue underneath them.

93rd Street, near the NE corner
The construction group has set up their offices at this location. Six gray metal containers are used as office on the top level and 6 more are used for storage and offices on the ground level.

Various hand tools