Friday, May 28, 2010

A Visit from Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow, the host of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, paid a visit to the launch box yesterday as part of her "Geek Week" series.

Here's her video report, which is over 11 minutes in length, on the Second Avenue subway project.

"Where subways will ride..." (11:32)
The Rachel Maddow Show / MSNBC - 5/28/10
(click on the link for a full-screen version.)

"2nd Ave Subway" set on Flickr
By Cory Gnazzo
The Rachel Maddow Show
- 17 high-resolution images of the launch box

According to the web site TVbytheNumbers the Rachel Maddow Show has an estimated nightly viewship of 1,336,000 people. (9 and 11 p.m. broadcasts combined)


Here's a listing of the recent additions
to the right-hand column of The Launch Box

"Plan to Allow Billboards on Upper East Side Co-Ops Near Second Avenue Subway Project is Rejected"
By Gabriela Resto-Montero - 5/26/10

Monthly Report - Second Avenue Subway
MTA Capital Construction - 5/24/10
Note: This report is part of a 160-page pdf file. It will take a little time to open.

Construction Update and 69th Street Station Entrance
Presentation to the
Community Board 8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force - 5/25/10

Request to Modify Contract C-26005
(Civil, Structural and Utility Relocation for the 96th Street Station)
Prepared by MTA Capital Construction for
MTA New York City Transit Committee Report - 5/2010
- This modification is to add additional instrumentation to monitor building movements adjacent to the excavation work site.
Note: This request is part of a 160-page pdf file. It will take a little time to open.