Monday, April 7, 2008
April 7, 2008
Here's the Second Avenue Business Association's flyer
announcing their "Shop Second Avenue" Launch Party.
(left-click on the image to enlarge it to a readable size.)
Thursday, April 10th, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Crowe's Nest Bar & Restaurant
1804 Second Avenue (btw. 93rd and 94th)
And here's a copy of a poster that was created by the
Second Avenue Business Association, and the MTA, to
promote shopping in the area of the construction site.
(left-click on the image to enlarge it to a readable size.)
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Recent additions to right-hand column, of the The Launch Box:
The Second Avenue Business Association (SABA)
meeting minutes for 04/02/08:
A new posting on Dominick Santise's "Life on Second" web site:
A copy of the presentations "Second Avenue Subway Construction Progress Update" & "86th and 96th Street Entrances, Elevators and Ancillary Facilities" (presented by the S3 Tunnel Constructors and the MTA at the CB8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force meeting on 03/03/2008):
The Second Avenue Business Association (SABA)
meeting minutes for the month of March:
An article from The Irish Voice, "Second Avenue Subway Hits Business" - 04/02/2008:
Please take note:
The next meeting of the Community Board 8 Second Avenue Subway Task Force has now been set for Tuesday, April 29th, from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM. (further details are shown in the right-hand column.)